Introducing our 2019 Youth of the Year - Boys & Girls Clubs of Collin County
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Introducing our 2019 Youth of the Year

Naj-ja is a 18 year old senior at Heritage High School. She has been a member of the Bob & Joy Darling Frisco Boys & Girl Clubs for over 14 years. She credits her club for getting her through some rough times and difficult situations. Naj-ja says “I was exposed to the club at an early age, it’s programs, nurturing and exposure to things I may have never been exposed too is now embedded in me”. Naj-ja is dedicated, hardworking and stays focused on her studies and maintains a 3.5 GPA, as well as being a member of her high school softball team where she was named Defensive Player of The Year. She makes good decisions and ensures that she considers all options and facts to avoid making abrupt and wrong decisions. Naj-ja anticipates a career in Criminal Justice with the goal of becoming a Forensic Scientist /Profiler. She is a leader in her club and an advocate amongst other teens about the resources and opportunities her club offers. She is the President of the Titans Leadership Club and has over 250 community service hours for 2018, by conducting health & job fairs, clothing and & food drives, adopting families for the holiday’s, volunteering at senior centers, and organizing support for Hurricane Harvey survivors. She also helped to develop her clubs Nationally recognized Bully Patrol program that encourages all youth to speak up and out against bullying. Naj-ja says she plans to use her platform to speak up for those who struggle to be heard, “I am passionate about speaking for those without a voice”

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