Summer Camp Enrollment Now Available. Visit Membership to enroll.

Grow Your Business and Help Support Your Local Boys and Girls Club



Advertisement Package

Want a great and easy way to help grow your business and also help support your local Boys and Girls Club?? The McKinney Boys and Girls Club is offering advertising space in our gymnasium. This is a new and special service we will be providing to help support the Boys and Girls Clubs of Collin County. We supply your professionally made banner that will go up in our gymnasium with all of your information that you want on it.

Our gymnasium is booked 6 days/nights per week! We have volleyball leagues, basketball leagues, soccer leagues, health fairs, and many other events being held at our facility. There is continuous traffic going into our gym. Our facility is also the hub for this entire county. We have a huge number of parents and children from McKinney, Plano, and Frisco all coming into our facility consistently day to day throughout the year. There are approximately 1,000+ adults and 1,500+ children coming into our facility on an annual basis.

For our current advertising rates and specifications, please see below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

214-544-8924 ext. 113;

– 1 Year Contract- $1,000.00

– 6 Month Contract- $750.00

– Following Full Year Renewal Price of $750.00

– Flexible Payment Options Available Upon Request!

– Banners will be 4ft x 7ft and up from January 8th, 2013- December 31st, 2013


 Click here for the form


Boys & Girls Clubs of Collin County is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization

Tax I.D. No. 75-1296869