BGCCC Teen Programs | After School Club | Athletic Club
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Keystone Club

The Keystone Club is a national service and leadership organization within the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. This premier program is for teenagers, ages 14-18, and is designed to create and maintain high standars of character and leadership, citizenship, health and education in order for teenagers to grow into responsible, productive adults. Keystone Club members initiate and organize local and national community outreach programs.


Money Matters

Money Matters is a financial program designed specifically for youth ages 13-18. The program, created with the Charles Schwab Foundation, consists of two 8-week sessions with our local Capital One volunteers. These volunteers provide the teens with knowledge to do the following: balance a checkbook, make a budget, know the difference between debit and credit cards, save/invest for college and retirement, start a small business and develop a business plan, and open a savings account or investment account.



This nationally acclaimed comprehensive prevention program helps young people resist alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, as well as premature sexual activity. Based on proven techniques, the program uses a team approach involving Club staff, peer leaders, parents and community representatives. More than simply emphasizing a “Say No” message, the program teaches young people ages 6-15 how to say no by involving them in discussion and role-playing, practicing resistance and refusal skills, developing assertiveness, strengthening decision-making skills and analyzing media and peer influence. The ultimate goal: to promote abstinence from substance abuse and adolescent sexual involvement through the practice or responsible behavior.



As an outgrowth of the popular and effective SMART Moves program, SMART Girls is a health, fitness, prevention/education and self-esteem enhancement program for girls ages 10-15. From interactive role playing to more tailored mentoring, girls are given the opportunity to explore personal and societal values as they build skills for eating right, staying fit, getting good health care and developing positive relationships.


Passport to Manhood

For male Club members ages 11-14, Passport to Manhood promotes responsibility and reinforces positive behavior. It consists of 14 small-group sessions, each of which concentrates on a specific aspect of manhood. Each participant is issued his own “Passport” to emphasize the idea that he is on a journey to maturation and personal growth.


Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits is a well-rounded, comprehensive program designed to promote healthy lifestyles for the family as a whole through preventative screenings, good nutrition, exercise and education. A component of the nationally recognized SMART Moves program, Healthy Habits educates through other club programs such as Kids Cafe, Healthy Smiles, and Sports and Fitness.


Triple Play

Triple Play is a game plan for the mind, body and soul, sponsored by Coca-Cola Company and Kraft Foods, Inc. It is a dynamic wellness program that demonstrates how eating right, keeping fit and forming positive relationships add up to a healthy lifestyle. The daily challenges of this program are rounded out by sports club activities (mind), firstly, developing healthy habits, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle (body) secondly, and thirdly, social recreation (soul).


The Arts

Youth today can develop their creativity and cultural awareness through knowledge and appreciation of visual and tactile arts and crafts including photography, performing arts and creative writing. Performing arts includes dance classes with Chamberlin Ballet from Plano.