Host A Fundraiser - Boys & Girls Clubs of Collin County
Summer Camp Enrollment Now Available. Visit Membership to enroll.

Help Open Doors for our Youth! Host a Fundraiser.

Make a difference in your community

Thank you for your interest in fundraising for Boys & Girls Clubs of Collin County!

This is a great opportunity to bring together friends, co-workers, and your community groups to host an event with proceeds benefiting Boys & Girls Clubs of Collin County. Here are some potential event ideas are listed below. We are always open to new opportunities to raise funds for the Clubs.

  • Golf Tournaments
  • Casino Nights
  • 5K Runs or Walks
  • Clay Shoots
  • Restaurant Nights

Please review the following before filling out the below form regarding your fundraising opportunity.

Third Party Event FAQs

Third Party Fundraiser General Guidelines

With this form please include the type of fundraising event, the dates of the event, the amount you hope to raise for Boys & Girls Clubs of Collin County, and any additional information that will help our team review your request. When you have submitted the completed form, you will receive an email confirming your submission.

For additional questions, please contact us at or call (469) 888-4620.

  • Please be specific and let us know the plan to raise funds. (Sales, pledges, ect.)
  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • Please list all areas (i.e. invitations, brochures, radio mentions, print ads, social media, etc.)
  • (i.e. information table, representation, materials, etc.)
  • 0 of 1000 max characters
    Please name and describe the extent to which other nonprofits will benefit
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, Max. file size: 20 MB, Max. files: 5.
    • Clear Signature

    Third-Party Fundraiser FAQs

    “What is a Third-Party Fundraiser?”

    A third-party fundraising event is when a business, organization, community group, school or individual hosts an event or program to benefit Boys & Girls Clubs of Collin County (BGCCC). It is planned and executed independently of BGCCC.

    “I want to organize a fundraiser for BGCCC but I’m not sure what to do.”

    Listed below are some ideas of the many ways that you can help raise funds and awareness for your local BGCCC. Let your creativity guide you!

    • Designate the BGCCC as the beneficiary for your event: If your business or organization hosts an annual event that generates funds, consider donating all or a portion of the proceeds.
    • Host a fundraiser: Host a golf tournament, clay shoot, crawfish boil, casino nights, 5K Run, or donate a percentage of a designated restaurant night’s profits.
    • Plan a Jeans Day! Co-workers make a donation to wear jeans to work to raise awareness for BGCCC.
    • In lieu of presents for a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion, ask friends and family to make a donation to your fundraising event.
    • Collect Donations: Set out collection canisters next to cash registers to encourage your customers to help you support your local BGCCC.

    “I want to host a fundraiser, what should I do next?”

    Contact Liliana Rogers and submit a Fundraiser Proposal Form on our website. Once you have approval of your proposed fundraiser, you will receive a Third-Party Fundraising Agreement. After this agreement is signed and returned to the contact, you are ready to start promoting your event!

    “What are some tips to hosting a successful event.”

    • Start Early The earlier you start planning your event, the more time you’ll have to promote it, get sponsorships, if needed, and plan the logistics of your event. The larger your event the more time leading up to it you will need. For a large sports tournament, you may need several months to get everything together, a backyard get together may only take a few weeks of planning.
    • Ask for Help Don’t be afraid to ask friends and family to help you co-host the event. If it’s a larger benefit you may want to set up committees or appoint someone a chair. Working together to plan an event can make the event run smoothly and will get others invested in the movement.
    • Get Feedback After the event you should follow up with vendors, sponsors or event attendees to find out what they liked about the event and what they would have changed. Getting a sense for what could improve the event in the future can help you to plan an even more successful event the next year.
    • Have Fun! You’re planning an event that will be fun, engaging and will support the fight to end breast cancer. Your passion and enthusiasm will be infectious if you’re having fun at your event and your attendees will enjoy them-selves, as well.

    “What can the BGCCC do to help with my fundraiser?”

    There are limits to how we can help, below is a list of some of the things we can offer. Resources BGCCC may be able to provide include:

    • Limited volunteers
    • Promotion through BGCCC website, newsletters, Facebook and Twitter Account, and branch locations
    • Materials such as BGCCC brochures about programs and services
    • A representative from BGCCC to speak at your event
    • The event sponsor is responsible for all details of the event including:
      • Underwriting all the related costs
      • Printing of all materials
      • Creating flyers to publicize the event
      • Working at the actual event

    Third-Party Fundraiser General Guidelines

    • Organizers must sign a Third-Party Agreement (to be distributed once proposal form is approved)
    • BGCCC must approve all promotional materials, including but not limited to advertising, letters, brochures, flyers and press releases prior to production or distribution.
    • All promotional materials must clearly state the percentage of proceeds that will benefit BGCCC.
    • BGCCC should receive a list of targeted sponsors for the event before they are approached to minimize overlap with other BGCCC events and/or fundraising campaigns that may be underway.
    • Event organizers are responsible for obtaining all permits.
    • Event organizers must obtain their own liability insurance to cover the event.
    • Under no circumstances should third-party event revenue and expenses flow through BGCCC books. Only the final net proceeds from the event are to be processed by the BGCCC.
    • BGCCC should receive a complete accounting of all funds collected and expenses related to the event. We reserve the right to inspect all event financial records.
    • BGCCC is not financially liable for the promotion and/or staging of third-party events.