BGCCC Volunteer Programs | Boys & Girls Club Nonprofit
Summer Camp Enrollment Now Available. Visit Membership to enroll.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with BGCCC!


Our volunteers are very important in helping us continue our mission of enhancing the lives of our youth. Safety is of the utmost importance for our youth, staff, and volunteers and we continue to closely monitor as we transition through COVID-19 . We are currently accepting volunteer applications for the opportunities listed below.


If you need additional information, please contact us at


Step 1 of 2

  • Volunteer Application

    Applicants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Boys & Girls Clubs of Collin County, mentioned hereafter as BGCCC, will not provide an adult to supervise any volunteers under the age of 18. Highlighted fields are required for processing application.

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  • Select all that apply
  • This field is hidden when viewing the form
  • Volunteer Agreement

    • I agree that all of the information provided is accurate and complete in all respects. I understand that any misstatement, falsification, or omission of information shall be grounds to terminate the volunteer agreement.
    • The ability to volunteer with BGCCC is subject to showing proof of my identification and a background check. I authorize BGCCC to complete this background check and understand that the criminal records check can be repeated at any time during my work with the organization.
    • Consistency in honoring your commitment is very important. If you are working one-on-one with a Club Member or helping with a specific program or activity, staff and Club Members will be counting on you to be there. If you cannot come in on a particular day, due to illness or some other reason, please contact the Director of Volunteer Services or Branch Director.
    • You have the right to terminate your volunteer commitment at any time --without any reason. BGCCC reserves the same right. If/when you find that you are unable to continue volunteering, please notify the Director of Volunteer Services so that we know you are inactive in our organization.
    • I authorize BGCCC to photograph me working with Club Members, Staff, or other volunteers and has my permission to utilize my photograph for marketing purposes either on the branch locations, media, website or in any other way to promote BGCCC.
    • All branch personnel, as trained professionals, have the ultimate authority regarding the Clubs policies and procedures. They officially represent BGCCC, and are held legally accountable for matters affecting the safety and welfare of Club Members. If you feel that a staff member is acting inappropriately or a policy or procedure is inappropriate or ineffective, feel free to speak to the Branch Director or Director of Volunteer Services. However, it is important that all volunteers respect staff decisions regarding member discipline and other Clubhouse procedures at all times.
    • Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all proprietary/privileged information to which they are exposed while serving as a volunteer, whether this information involves a single staff, volunteer, client, other person or overall agency business.
    • Volunteers are never responsible for contacting parents, schools, medical professionals, or others on behalf of BGCCC, unless specifically directed by appropriate Clubhouse personnel. If you suspect that an interaction is necessary between BGCCC and a parent, doctor, educator, etc., you should notify the appropriate Club staff or the Director of Volunteer Services of your concerns.
    • I acknowledge liability and release BGCCC for any and all liability of injuries, loss or damage of personal property that may arise in my participation in the volunteer and or mentor program at BGCCC.

Inspire the Dream of a Child

Getting Involved!

Boys & Girls Clubs of Collin County provide quality, educational and fun programs in a safe, dependable atmosphere to over 4,800 youth across Collin County each year. In order to continue to offer these children the love, support, and tools they need to become caring, responsible adults, we need volunteers like you. Be a volunteer. You can inspire the dream of a child!

Volunteer during the School Year or Summer



  • General Volunteers:  Help with daily activities and projects in the clubs. This position works directly with youth to positively impact their lives.

  • Homework Tutor/assistant: Give assistance to youth struggling with school curriculum and make a difference in their education.

  • Mentor a special child: This one-on-one mentorship position gives you the opportunity to be a positive role model in a youth’s life and give them the skills needed to create positive change.

  • Technology Volunteer: Aid in assistance on computer programs and training, giving youth critical life skills for their futures.

  • Club Facility Maintenance (inside and out): Help keep the clubs functioning and safe for the community by repairing and maintaining club facilities.

  • Special Events: These events are extremely important to the continuation of our organization as they help provide needed funding to the clubs and their programs. This means that volunteering for these events can be the perfect way to get involved in your community.

  • Poker Tournament – April 11, 2023 (e.g., Runners, Decoration, Event Setup, Registration, Raffle Ticket Sales, etc.)
  • Chrysalis Gala – October 14, 2023 (e.g., Decoration, Event Setup, Registration, etc.)


  • 15 Years of Age or Older
  • Complete Volunteer Application
  • Criminal Background Check
  • Sex Offender Registry Check
  • Complete Volunteer Training Orientation
  • All youth volunteers under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult

Volunteer Experiences

    • “My experience with the Boys and Girls Club has been fulling in many ways. It is exciting to see each child flourish mentally and emotionally as they strive to develop self-worth, self-discipline, leadership skills, and the ability to problem solve in different areas of their lives. The excitement and self-accomplishment they express when they understand a homework assignment or make a good grade on a project makes me feel blessed to walk alongside them in this journey.”
      AngelaMcKinney Branch Volunteer
      • “Mentoring at the BGCCC is a great program where everyone who participates gets rewarded. One of my highlights each and every week is the big grin I get from my mentee every time that I see him. He is learning from me and I am learning from him. Volunteering at the BGCCC is a great experience. The kids are fantastic and look forward to spending time with volunteers. I have been fortunate to spend time with them both on the soccer field and on the basketball court. You get to see the kids improve which is very rewarding. When I was told the kids look forward to me coming to coach soccer it made me feel that I was making a difference.”
        WaynePlano Branch Volunteer/Mentor
        • “Volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club has been such a rewarding experience. They have amazing folks that run enriching programs for the kids so that volunteers like me can easily connect and find the right way to pitch in and help. The excitement that the kids have when they are working on their STEAM projects or programming Lego bots is contagious and I feel fortunate that I can be a part of it.”
          Mindy - ToyotaFrisco Branch Volunteer
          • “The B&GC organization has impacted me for many years. This began when I was in elementary school and had the opportunity to attend my local B&GC, where I was exposed to numerous activities and events to present day with having the opportunity to be a mentor. As a mentor, my goal is to show a child (or children) that adults are still cool and we like to have fun just like they do! But ultimately, give them someone to look up to, to be a positive impact and influence in their lives, and to be someone that cares about their day ?”
            RashadFrisco Branch Mentor
            • “Being a mentor at the Boys and Girls Club of McKinney is such a rewarding experience. Seeing my mentee’s face light up when I walk through the door is the highlight of my day. Giving back to our community makes a difference in my life as well as the young man I am mentoring.”
              Leigh AnneMcKinney Branch Mentor